Coffee at Night

It was late at night, when she finally came to the coffee shop. Surprisingly it was crowded. Groups of people were chatting here and there. Some in their casual outfits, others seemed to be in their work outfits although they no longer crisped and slicked. Typical evening on weekdays.

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Review: Prove D3 Vitamin Pasca Covid

Seperti yang saya ceritakan di Instagram, awal tahun ini saya sempat positif Covid-19. Rasanya wah, kaget banget asli! Kalau mau hitung mundur 2 minggu sebelum awal gejala, saya tidak pergi ke mana-mana yang beresiko.

Diskusi sama Dokter Jaka Sp. Paru setelah masa isolasi mandiri selesai, bisa jadi saya kena virus dari kantor suami yang kebetulan memang lagi banyak yang positif. Suami negatif, tapi malah saya yang positif. Dari situ saya sadar kalau imun itu penting banget. 

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